Joomla Certification

March 28th, 2018

So March 28, 2018 is a great day. It’s the day that I became one of the few Australians to obtain the official Joomla Administrator certification.

What does this mean? It means that according to the official Joomla certification program I have the skills needed to build and maintain websites using the Joomla platform.

It’s also exciting because Joomla is the only Open Source CMS platform to offer any kind of formal certification program – just one more thing that makes Joomla stand out.

While all it has really done for me is prove after developing websites using Joomla for over 10 years, I really do know what I’m talking about, and can call myself an expert.

Having the certification also means that I’m one step ahead of other Joomla developers when customers are particularly looking for a Joomla service provider. I also get to display this cool official badge.