Supporting component developers

One of the misconceptions of Open Source software such as Joomla is that it’s totally free. While this is partly true a lot of work goes into the development of the core Joomla system (which is free), but the components, plugins and modules that can really take your website to the next level in terms of functionally aren’t always free.

Often with Open Source software the actual software is free, but the support is not, or you can use it a single site but multiple sites (e.g. for developers) you have to pay, or you get a basic version for free but need to pay for more advanced “pro” features.

Some of the paid options are cheap (the majority actually) but some more complicated components can cost hundreds of dollars, but let’s look at it this way. If you’re using a component on your business website, and your business is making money from using that component, why should the developer not make money too?

There are literally thousands of businesses out there making components for Open Source  CMS platforms and while a lot of them are small and often doing it for fun, there are also big development businesses who produce great components and provide excellent support, and the best thing you can do is support them by paying for the software you use. Helping to keep these developers in business means they’ll be able to continually improve their components, which in turns benefits you buy making your website more function or easier to use.

So when you’re looking for components to add to your site don’t just look at free options, but be sure to look at the paid professional options too and help support the overall community.