Pottery - My COVID Salvation
We all know that COVID was a pretty shit time, so to get me out of the house and do something complete different to my day-to-day activities I had the brilliant idea to do a pottery class, and you know what? I fell in love, and here we are 18 months later and I'm still going.
I found a local pottery teacher and she was running small classes (of 6) and that was perfect for me. I hadn't done any form of pottery since I was in year 7 at school (that is 1986) so I was starting from scratch.
After settling in the first few weeks I was hooked and really looked forward to going, so much so that I kept coming back. Staring back in February will be my 7th term.
While my skills have improved a lot I can't say I'm great, but that's not really the point. I have found something that I enjoy doing - something just for me.
I have made a lot, some good, some not so good and others went in the bin, but it's all part of the learning experience.