My new best toy
So I have a new hobby, and one that’s not going to be cheap. I’m now the proud owner of a 3D printer.
I’ve been thinking about and looking at 3D printers for a while, thinking they would be fun. I started by looking at cheap printers on Amazon, but the idea of having the build the printer wasn’t appealing to me, so I did some more research and found Bambu Labs.
Bambu Labs are touted as the Apple of 3D printers, and being a totally Apple Boy though it was right up my alley. I love the idea of unboxing and getting printing in a very short period of time - no assembly required.
Then along came the Black Friday sales, so me being me, I jumped right in and purchased a P1S with AMS (Automatic Material System). The AMS allows you to do multi-coloured prints without having to change filaments mid-print because who wants to do that!
So what was my first print? Well those of you into 3D printing will know, but for those who aren’t it was this little fella called “Benchy”. For some reason he seems to be the go to test print. Isn’t he cute. There are even people who print a Benchy in every new colour filament they get, building up a nice collection.
Being almost Christmas the next couple of prints were Christmas themed, then I started working through the long list of models I wanted to print, these include:
The obligatory “Poop Shoot”. One of the downsides of the P1S is when there are filament changes and it has to purge the previous colour it spits out a small amount of filament right out the back and onto the floor. Some brilliant person designed the poop shoot model to collect this and make it easily accessible.
A small tray to carry drinks up stairs.
The Battleship game - which I haven’t played since I was a kid.
A nice clock that now sits on the side table next to our front door.
A crystal like light for my desk.
A tealight holder - this was a test and I’ll be printing more.
and finally a stand for my phone that sits on my desk.
Next I’ll start looking at CAD programs so I can design my own models. I’ve been recommended Tinkercad as a good starting point, so stay tuned for my very own model designs!