Keeping your Joomla website up-to-date
Like any software, Joomla needs to be updated from time-to-time so that it's kept nice and secure.
There are many hackers out there who have nothing better to do with their time than to find "holes" in website sofware with the sole purpose of hacking and causing drama.
You might think this sounds like a daunting task, but thankfully Joomla has made this nice and simple for you. Every time you log into the admin area of your site Joomla performs a chech to make sure everything is up-to-date, and if there are updtae available you'll see - they make it obvious.

Running the updates is as simple as clicking the "View Updates" button to review the list, select the udpates and click the Update button - simple!
Now if you are running multiple websites it can be time consuming to check for and run updates on each site. The good news is here are services out there that can help centrailise and automate that process for you. One of these services is MyJoomla, and it's an invaluable tool. Not only does it provide you with an easy way to keep all your Joomla sites up-to-date, but it run a wide range of checks to make sure your site is running as efficient as possible, and alerts you if you've been hacked!
If you Joomla web is hosted by Mity then you're in luck - the udpates for your Joomla site will be take care of, so you can relax and know that your website is being cared for.